APL (Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning) closing remarks


face of Prof. Shigeru Yokoyama

Prof. Koji Michishita
Chairperson of
Local Organizing Committee

 On behalf of the local organizing committee, I would like to show sincere thanks to all participants for their contribution to the success of the APL2015 in Nagoya.
At the establishment of the LOC, we set our goals as follows:
1) Papers should be more than 200.
2) Participants should be more than 300.
3) Foreign participants should be more than 100.
201 papers from 25 countries and areas are accepted after peer review (94 papers from Japan), 353 persons from 36 countries and areas made registration including 212 persons from Japan. The LOC is very much proud that all of our goals are obtained eventually.
Furthermore, the level of the presented technical papers became higher than the LOC expected and the APL becomes large-scale international conference. The LOC shows the sincere thanks to the nice presentation and the fruitful discussions in the technical session. The LOC hopes that the lightning research continues to be more active in the Asia-Pacific region.
The LOC believes that the participants also enjoyed the Japanese culture represented by "Omotenashi", a traditional Japanese way of hospitality, and the technical tour.
The next APL will be held in Thailand in 2017.
See you in Thailand!