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 History of APL (ALPF) 

On 25th of October , 2002 ,when the 66th IEC General meeting was held in Beijing, the representatives of the technical committees on lightning protection(IEC TC81) of China, Japan and Korea discussed the cooperation between three countries in the field of lightning protection techniques and the lightning protection standardization . As the effective method of the cooperation, Mr.Miki proposed holding a meeting between three countries, which includes information exchanges on lightning protection technology and standardization. According to the above discussion, the first meeting ,which was named as "The 1st Asian Lightning Protection and Standardization Forum", was held in Beijing, China on 28th-29th of October, 2003. As a result of later discussion between the representatives of three countries, the ALPF ( Asian Lightning Protection Forum) was established formally as a non-profitable organization. Thereafter the ALPFs were held almost every year in the order of Korea, Japan and China.
Large changes were made at 7th Forum, which was held in Chengdu, China 2nd -4th of November,2011. In order to open the forum more widely in the world, the scopes and the members of the organizing committee were widely extended. Also the name of the Forum was changed from the ALPF to the APL( Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning).